Engineering a Comeback: From Biggest Crisis to Best Year Ever in 18 Months

Engineering a Comeback: From Biggest Crisis to Best Year Ever in 18 Months

Jessica Rovello
March 12, 2018

Jessica Rovello is the co-founder and CEO of Arkadium, an online gaming company based in Ukraine and the U.S. that provides brands and publishers with interactive, brand-safe content. In early 2014, when 100 of her Ukraine-based employees were affected by the annexation of Crimea by the Russian Federation, Rovello’s commitment to Perseverance and putting People First was put to the test.

In her talk, Rovello walks us through a chronological series of geopolitical business challenges that nearly shut down her company. Through sheer grit and determination, Arkadium, within 18 months, went from the edge of despair to its highest year of revenue and profitability, all while solidifying its unique company culture.

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